SETX FFL Uncensored: The Best of Week 6 !
Week 6 sure did not disappoint flag football fans in southeast Texas. Let’s dive into a couple games that stood out in Week 6.
(Game 1) 409 Boyz vs. Average Joe’s
The first game of the day featured the USFL division leader 409 boyz vs the “above” Average Joe’s. I think everyone knew this was going to be a great game. The 409 boyz’ QB Patrick Davis picked apart the Average Joes’ cover 2 defense in the first half and put up a solid 20 points giving them a 20 to 13 lead going into the half.
However, the second half was an entirely different story as the Average Joe’s defense locked down the field and kept the 409 Boyz from scoring a single point! Late in the game the Average Joe’s had a chance to take home the “W” as they were inside the 409 Boyz 10-yard line but failed to put the ball in the end zone. 409 Boyz squeaked out a 20–19 victory in a great game to start off week 6.
(Game 3) Herd vs. The Squad
Hands down the best game this week. Matt Wilson learned the hard way you don’t throw seam routes when David Dixon is in the middle of the field. Guy has like a 9-foot vertical, its ridiculous. The Herd’s Cody Courts looked… dare I say… Josh Norman like with his 2 INTS. (Way to make us centers proud Cody!)
However, this game will always be remembered for its spectacular ending. With the score 28 to 28 and just seconds on the clock, the Squad’s rusher makes a costly mistake. Trying to split the two blockers for the Herd, he makes contact and rolls straight through a Herd blocker and is called for a bull rushing penalty.(Side Note: Some might not agree, but this was 100% the right call by the referee.) This gives the Herd one more chance… and that’s all they needed. Matt Wilson throws a Hail-Mary to the end zone, the ball is tipped then hauled in for the game winning touchdown by Brandon Granger. The Herd wins a nail bitter 34–28.
Was it a catch? Was he out of bounds?…. Drum roll please…

Sorry Squad...looks like a catch to me. Yes, video shows that the referee made a damn good call. Hell of a call Clinton Smith!
(Game 8) 409 Boyz vs Spartans
The good ole “I’m calling you out sucka!” game. 409 Boyz were called out by Chris Bronson and the Spartans in this week’s Call Your Shot game. The Spartans pride themselves as a great defensive team. However, The 409 Boyz prove time and time again that their defense can hang with the best of flag football offenses. I didn’t get to see this game in person… but by the looks of it I sure wish I did! This game was all about the D!!!! (Yeah I said it, get your mind out the gutter people. We are talking flag football here.) This was a back and forth game that had some spectacular defensive plays. When it was all said and done the 409 Boyz neutralized the Spartans offensive weapon, QB Ricky “Action” Jackson (aka Tootie), and win another close game 19–14.
What a week of flag football. Let’s hope we have this great of a week in Week 7.